
University Pathwatys

Business and Management Courses

International Business Management

Subjects. Year 1: Business Environment, Business Skills, Economics for Business, Business Finance. Year 2: Legal Aspects of Business, Managing Human Resources, Principles and Practice of Marketing, Business Information Systems. Year 3: Operational and Project Management, Business Strategy, Managing International Business. A list of associated jobs: Business Analyst, Accountant, Business Consultant, Product Manager, Project Manager, Risk Manager, Social Media Manager, Stockbroker, Human Resource Officer

Business Management

The only option available is a 1-year course. Year 1: Study and Research Skills, Contemporary Themes, Professional Skills, Introduction to Business and Management. Year 2: Business Environment, Managing Information and Technology, Leadership and Management, Marketing Principles and Practice. Year 3: Managerial Finance, Digital Marketing, Managing Operations and Projects. Year 4: Strategy, Enterprise and Innovation, Business Research Project Associated Jobs: Retail Manager, Human Resources Officer, Marketing Executive, Logistics and Distribution Manager. ENTRY REQUIREMENT: 5 GCSEs at Grade C, Short Level 3 qualification, No qualifications (With work experience)

BSc (Hons) Business and Events Management

This degree course offers the chance to combine academic study of the business and events management sector. Module Guide. Year 1: Hospitality. Tourism and Events Environment, Business Finance, Business Skills, Managing Quality in Hospitality. Tourism and Events. Year 2: Principles and Practices of Marketing, Managing Human Resources, Events Planning and Project Management, Event Themes and Designs. Year 3: Business Strategy, International Event Management, Hospitality and Venue Management, Major Undergraduate Project, Events Live Project. Associated careers: the degree is ideal for graduates who are interested in a career in managing events for a venue or hotel, event organisation, event marketing or business management.

Business Managementt

Example modules: Business Organisations and Environments in a Global Context, Business Ethics & Responsible Management, Project Management. Job Prospectus: you will be able to pursue jobs in accounting and finance, international business, retail, marketing and human resources.

Business (Top-Up)

Example modules: supporting Study in the UK, Academic and Career Development, Culture and Organisations, Strategic Supply Chain Management, Contemporary Issues in Business, Strategic Management and Corporate Responsibility, Global Marketing and Communication Job Prospectus: career in consultancy, marketing, health management, human resource management or operations management, as well as having the skills to set-up your own business.

BSC Business Studies

Example modules. Year 1: Management Skills, Introduction to Management, Business and Economy, Business Awareness and Analysis, Introduction to Accounting for Business, Fundamentals of Marketing. Year 2: Career Entrepreneurship, Operations Management, Accounting for Decision Making, Managing People, Global Business Environment, Digital Enterprise. Year 3: Leadership and Change, Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship, Business Strategy, Governance Risk and Ethics, Effective Organisations and Consultancy Process, Supply Chain Management. Job Prospectus: Management level positions in Finance, production, purchasing, personnel and marketing, civil service, government agencies or other public sector organisations

Accounting and Management

Example modules. Year 1: Introductory Accounting, Academic, Professional and Managerial, Awareness, Financial Mathematics and Statistics, Business and the Economy, Principles of Financial Accounting, Principles of Management Accounting. Year 2: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Personal and Business Finance, Law for Accountants, Career Entrepreneurship, Assurance and Risk Management. Year 3: Modern Taxation, Performance Management, Financial Reporting, Auditing, Governance, Risk and Ethics, Advanced Financial Management. Job Prospectus: Budget Analyst, Financial Analyst, Accounting Manager, Controller

HND in Business Management

Module Guide. Term 1: Organisational Behaviour, Project Operations and Project Management, Understanding and Leading Change. Term 2: Global Business Environment, Innovation and Commercialisation. Term 3: Brand Management. Associated Jobs: Retail Manager, Human Resources Officer, Marketing Executive, Logistics and Distribution Manager.

HND in Business Management

Module Guide. Year 1: Business & the Business Environment, Management & Operations, Human Resource Management, Marketing Essentials, Management Accounting, Managing Successful Business Projects, Business Law, Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management. Year 2: Operations & Project Management, Business Strategy, Global Business Environment, Organisational Behaviour, Understanding & Leading Change, Developing Individuals, Teams & Organisations. Associated Jobs: Retail Manager, Human Resources Officer, Marketing Executive, Logistics and Distribution Manager

MBA - Master of Business Administration - International

The MBA (International) course is designed for professionals who are seeking to improve their management and leadership skills and broaden their theoretical knowledge of business and management. Module Guide. The programme has been built around the requirements of employers around the world and the practical knowledge required by their employees to progress their career. International Leadership and Entrepreneurship, International Marketing, Innovation and E-Commerce, Managing Finance and Operations, International Human Resource Management and Change, Information Systems and Data Management, Strategic Management in a Global Context, Dissertation. Each og these modules will examine three common and integrated themes: Internationalisation, Sustainability, Ethics.

MSc International Project Management

The course will focus on what is required for success in today’s constantly changing business environment including such areas as leadership, law, finance, operations, change management and the global commercial marketplace. Programme Modules. The following are the core and option modules: Research Applications in Global Business, Business Law for managers, Business Law for Managers, Business Strategy – A Global Approach, Cross-Cultural Leadership, Operations and Project Management, Project Risk Management, Advanced Project Management, Leading Projects – Managing Intellectual Capital, Business Improvement and Change, Developing Project Management Solutions, Postgraduate Major Project (Integrated Case Study)

BSc Business Management

he four-year extended degree programme includes a foundation year, which gives students a comprehensive introduction to the key elements needed for studying business at degree-level and provides you with a thorough and supportive academic preparation for study. Example modules. Year 0: English Academic Skills 1, Business Essentials Introduction, Mathematical Functional Skills Essentials, English Academic Skills 2, Business Essentials Advanced, Extended Project. Year 1: Business Readiness Year 1 (0 credits0, Extended Academic Induction (0 credits), Business Organisations & Environment in a Global Context, Understanding Self & Others, Introduction to Finance & Accounting for Managers, Introduction to Management, Principles of Marketing & Communications in a Digital World, Analysing Information & Data for Problem Solving. Year 2: Business Readiness Year 2 (0 credits), Managing People & Careers, Understanding Operations, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship Opportunity, Project Management, Cross-Cultural Management, Retail Theory and Practice. Year 3: Business Readiness Year 3 (0 credits), Business Ethics & Responsible Management, Business & Management Dissertation

BSc Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Specialising in entrepreneurship, you will learn how to manage innovation, and develop your own entrepreneurial skills. Example modules. Year 0: English Academic Skills 1, Business Essentials Introduction, Mathematical Functional Skills Essentials, English Academic Skills 2, Business Essentials Advanced, Extended Project. Year 1: Business Readiness Year 1 (0 credits), Extended Academic Induction (0 credits), Business Organisations & Environments in a Global Context, Introduction to Finance and Accounting for Managers, Understanding Self and Others, Introduction to Management, Analysing Information and Data for Problem Solving, Principles of Marketing and Communications in a Digital World. Year 2: Business Readiness Year 2 (0 credits), Managing People and Careers, Understanding Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Cross-Cultural Management, Entrepreneurship Opportunity, Business Planning. Year 3: Business Readiness Year 3 (0 credits), Business Ethics & Responsible Management, Business and Management Dissertation 1, Applied Corporate Strategy, Business and Management Dissertation 2, Entrepreneurship Development, Managing Innovation.

BSc Marketing

The BSc Marketing degree is designed to give you an excellent grounding for a career in contemporary marketing. Example modules. Year 0: English Academic Skills 1, Business Essentials Introduction, Mathematical Functional Skills Essentials, English Academic Skills 2, Business Essentials Advanced, Extended Project. Year 1: Business Readiness Year 1 (0 credits), Extended Academic Induction (0 credits), Business Organisations and Environments in a Global Context, Introduction to Finance and Accounting for Managers, Understanding Self and Others, Introduction to Finance and Accounting for Managers, Understanding Self ond Others, Introduction to Management, Analysing Information and Data for Problem Solving, Principles of Marketing and Communications in a Digital World. Year 2: Business Readiness Year 2 (0 credits), Managing People and Careers, Understanding Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Consumer Behaviour, Digital Marketing, Services Marketing. Year 3: Business Readiness Year 3 (0 credits), Business Ethics and Responsible Management, Business and Management Dissertation (Part 1), Applied Corporate Strategy, Business and Management Dissertation (Part 2), Branding, Global Marketing.

BSc Hons Accounting and Management

This course provides a comprehensive grounding in theory and practice, and an excellent foundation to becoming a qualified Accountant. Example modules. Year 1: Introductory Accounting, Academic, Professional and Managerial Awareness, Financial Mathematics and Statistics, Business and the Economy, Principles of Financial Accounting, Principles of Management Accounting. Year 2: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Personal and Business Finance, Law for Accountants, Career Entrepreneurship, Assurance and Risk Management. Year 3: Modern Taxation, Performance Management, Financial Reporting, Auditing, Governance, Risk and Ethics, Advanced Financial Management.

MSc Extended International Business

Our Extended MSc International Business integrates the Graduate Certificate programme to allow entry for students with equivalent to a standard degree (third class, pass or ordinary). Upon successfully completing the Pre-Master’s Graduate Certificate with an overall minimum average mark of 50% across all modules studied and passed, you will be guaranteed progression on to the MSc International Business. Example modules. Graduate Certificate – Semester 1: Academic Writing (10 credits), Postgraduate Study Skills (10 credits), Research Methods for Postgraduate Study (20 credits), International Business Environment (20 credits). MSc International Business. Semester 1: Introduction to International Business (15 credits), International Finance (15 credits), International HRM (15 credits), E-Business (15 credits); Semester 2: Business Research Methods (15 credits); International New Ventures and Born Global Firms (15 credits); International Business Simulation (15 credits); Global Policy and Strategy (15 credits); Semester 3: Dissertation (60 credits).

MSc Extended Marketing

Our Extended MSc Marketing integrates the Graduate Certificate programme to allow entry for students with equivalent to a standard degree (third class, pass or ordinary). Upon successfully completing the Pre-Master’s Graduate Certificate with an overall minimum average mark of 50% across all modules studied and passed, you will be guaranteed progression on to the MSc Marketing. Example modules. Graduate Certificate. Semester 1: Academic Writing (10 credits), Postgraduate Study Skills (10 credits), Research Methods for Postgraduate Study (20 credits), International Business Environment (20 credits). MSc Marketing. Semester 1: Foundations in management (15 credits), Consumer Behaviour (15 credits), Strategy and Innovation (15 credits), Marketing Management (15 credits); Semester 2: Global Marketing (15 credits), Digitizing Marketing (15 credits), Research Methods (15 credits), Entrepreneurial Marketing (15 credits); Semester 3: Dissertation (60 credits).

MSc International Business

MSc International Business is a one-year postgraduate degree which aims to allow students to acquire mastery of both the macro and micro context of international business. It is designed to enable students to acquire, develop and integrate international business theory whilst developing the skills to then apply this in terms of international business practice. Example modules. Semester 1: Introduction to International Business (15 credits), International Finance (15 credits), International HRM (15 credits), E-Business (15 credits). Semester 2: Business Research Methods (15 credits), International New ventures and Born Global Firms (15 credits), International Business Simulation (15 credits), Glovbal Policy and Strategy (15 credits).

MBA Master of Business Administration

The MBA has been designed to account for current (local, regional and international) market trends and has recently been updated to provide additional flexibility, choice and the opportunity to apply taught management skills. Example modules. Semester 1: Marketing (15 credits), Accounting and Finance (15 credits), Innovation and Entrepreneurship (15 credits), Economics and the Business Environment (15 credits). Semester 2: Managing People in the Organisation (15 credits), Operations Management (15 credits), Leadership and Change (15 credits), Management Research Methods (15 credits). Semester 3: E-Business (15 credits), Strategy (15 credits), Management Dissertation (30 credits)

BA (Hons) Business (Top-Up)

Upon graduation of the Business Top-Up you could also enter a career in consultancy, marketing, health management, human resource management or operations management, as well as having the skills to set-up your own business. Example modules: Academic Language Skills (20 credits), Supporting Study in the UK (0 credits), Academic and Career Development (20 credits), Culture and Organisations (20 credits), Strategic Supply Chain Management (20 credits), Contemporary Issues in Business (20 credits), Strategic Management and Corporate Responsibility (20 credits), Global Marketing and Communication (20 credits).

BA (Hons) Business Enterprise, Creation and management (Top-Up)

This programme is all about developing your ability to create and run your own successful business or work in an SME in a range of sectors. All the skills acquired on this programme are in high demand by employers looking for resourceful and creative managers, providing you with a broad range of options on completion. Example modules: Academic Language Skills (0 credits), Induction and Team Development (0 credits), Study Support (0 credits), Developing Research Informed Learning and Practice (20 credits), Leadership for SMEs (20 credits), Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Marketing (20 credits), SME Project, Finance in an SME context (20 credits), Designing and Implementing SME Business Strategy (20 credits).

MSc Business with Entrepreneurship

The MSc Business with Entrepreneurship degree develops broad business skills and will make you a highly sought after candidate as employers are keen to recruit people who can bring together resources to achieve breakthrough change and lead new initiatives. The Advanced Practice programme enables you to choose whether your studies include either an internship or an Applied Group Consultancy Project, providing you with the opportunity to work on a business problem, developing valuable work experience and business insight. Example modules: Dissertation Preparation and Research Methods (0 credits), Developing Global Management Competiencies I (20 credits), Developing Global Management Competencies II (20 credits), Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage (40 credits), Academic and Professional Development (0 credits), Entrepreneurship – Context, Process and Practice (20 credits), Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship (20 credits), The Newcastle Business School Masters Dissertation (60 credits). Advanced Practice stage for students completing an internship: Masters Internship (60 credits), The Newcastle Business School Masters Dissertation (60 credits); Advanced Practice stage for students not completing an internship: Business Clinic PG Group Consultancy Project (60 credits), Applied Management Work Investigation (60 credits).

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

Healthcare Environment, Academic and Professional Skills, The Healthcare Professional, Health and Safety in Care Settings. Year 2: Lifecycle Development, Vulnerable Persons, Significant Life Events and Coping, Promoting Health and Wellbeing. Year 3: Leadership & Change Management, Comparative Healthcare Systems, Contemporary Themes in Healthcare. Associated Jobs: Assistant practitioner, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physician Associate (Further training in biological / biomedical sciences required), Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, Primary Care Graduate Mental Health Worker, Health Promotion Specialist, Community Development Worker, Education Welfare Officer, Medical Sales Representative. Associated Further Study for Professional (Registration) Qualifications: Pathway to accelerated Nursing Degree, Graduate programme for Social Work Degree.

Healthcare Management

Module Guide. Year 1: Skills for Learning in Care, Social, Political and Ethical Issues in International Healthcare, Communication and Collaboration in Managing the Professional Environment, Meeting the Needs of Service Users, Planning & Managing Resources, Fostering Dignity and Respect. Year 2: Financial Control & Budgeting

HND in Health and Social Care

Module Guide. Year 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisations, Principles of Health and Social Care Practice, Health and Safety in the Health and Social Care Workplace, Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care, Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care, Physiological Principles for Health and Social CareYear 2: Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care, Supporting Independent Living, Supporting Significant Life Events, The Role of Public Health in Health and Social Care, Facilitating Change in Health and Social Care, Managing Quality in Health and Social Care, Health Promotion. Associated Jobs: Medical Assistant, Physician Assistant, Career

BSc (Hons) Business and Healthcare Management

This degree course provides with with a range of opportunities to develop the attitudes, abilities and competences needed to work in Healthcare. Model Guide. Year 0: Foundations of Computer Based Technology (CBT) and management Information Systems, Introduction to Health and Social Care, Build a Business, Academic Research and Writing, Communication Skills, Introduction to Business, Quantitative Methods (Foundation Mathematics). Year 2: Healthcare Environment, Academic and Professional Skills, Business Finance, Service Operations Management. Year 2: Business Information Systems, Managing Human Resources, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Healthcare, Principles and Practice of Marketing. Year 3: Leadership & Change Management, Business Strategy, Contemporary Themes in Healthcare, Undergraduate Major Project. Associated careers: Healthcare management.

BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care

This course will offer you opportunities to use real-life case studies which draw on skills such as prioritisation, negotiation and care planning. Module Guide. Year 0: Foundations of Computer Based Technology (CBT) and Management Information Systems, Introduction to Health and Social care, Build a Business, Academic Research and Writing, Business Communications, Ethics & Values in Health and Social Care, Quantitative Methods (Foundation Mathematics). Year 1: Healthcare Environment, Academic and Professional Skills, The Healthcare Professional, Health and Safety in Care Settings. Year 2: Lifecycle Development, Vulnerable Persons, Significant Life Events and Coping, Promoting Health and Wellbeing. Year 3: Leadership & Change Management, Comparative Healthcare Systems, Contemporary Themes in Healthcare, Undergraduate Major Project. Associated careers: Health and Social Care.

MBA - Master of Business Administration - Healthcare

You will find the key management disciplines within a healthcare context; including business planning and finance, project and operations management, healthcare service improvement and leadership. Programme Modules. The following are the core and option modules: Public Health, Research Applications in Global Business, International Human Resource Management, Operations and Project management, Global marketing Management, Enquiry into Healthcare Professional Practice, Business Strategy – A Global Approach, Cross-Cultural Leadership, Driving Quality Improvement in Professional Practice, Major Project



course has 2 options: 3-year and 4-year extended degree. Year 1: Legal Method & Skills, Constitutional & Administrative Law, Contract Law and Foundations of Criminal Law. Year 2: European Union Law, Law of Tort, Equity & the Law of Trusts, Legal Research Skills, 2 optional modules. Year 3: Civil Litigation, Land Law, Major Project. Associated Jobs: Barrister, Barrister’s Clerk, Chartered Legal Executive, Company Secretary, Solicitor, Patent Attorney, Data Analyst, Human Resources Officer, Civil Service.


This course only has the 4-year degree: Year 1: Study and Research Skills, Contemporary Themes, Professional Skills, Introduction to Law. Year 2: Legal Method and Systems, Contract Law, Professional and Legal Skills, Criminal Law. Year 3: Public Law, Law of Tort, European Union Law, Principles of Land Law.Year 4: Equity and Trusts. Associated Jobs: Lawyer, Legal Adviser, Legal Officer, Business Lawyer. ENTRY REQUIREMENT: 5 GCSEs at Grade C, Short Level 3 qualification, No qualifications (With work experience).


Module Guide. Year 1: Foundations in Legal Skills, English Legal System, Criminal Law, Law of Contract, Law and Ethics, Constitutional and Administrative Law. Year 2: Law of Tort 1- Tort of Negligence, Tort 2 – Land and Other Torts, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Law of Property, European Union Law, Pro Bono and Professional Practice.Year 3: Law of Evidence, Equity and Trusts, International Commercial Law, Legal Research Methods & Project Management, Family Law, Employment Law. Associated Jobs: Lawyer, Legal Adviser, Legal Officer, Business Lawyer. Associated Jobs: Medical Assistant, Physician Assistant, Career

BSc (Hons) Business and Law

This course teaches about globalisation, sustainability and social change – allowing to fully understand the factors affecting business. Module Guide. Year 1: Business Environment, Business Skills, Economics for Business, Business Finance. Year 2: Legal Aspects of Business, Managing Human Resources, Law of Contract, Law of Business Organisations.Year 3: Commercial Law, Business Strategy, Law of International Trade, Major Project. Associated careers: you may choose to work in business, law, HR, administration or the public sector.

BSc (Hons) Law and Accounting

The course will equip you with a real understanding of how legal considerations have an impact on virtually every aspect of management activity. Module Guide. Year 1: Business Environment, Business Skills, Economics for Business, Introduction to Financial Accounting. Year 2: Legal Aspects of Business, Law of Contract, Financial Reporting for Business, Law of Business Organisations. Year 3: Commercial Law, Business Strategy, Financial Auditing, Major Project. Associated careers: you will enhance your employability in both legal and accounting professions.

(Hons) Law LLB

This qualifying law degree, accredited by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Bar Standards Board (BSB), will allow you to progress to the vocational stage of training as a solicitor or barrister. Module Guide. Year 1: Legal Method & Skills, Constitutional & Administrative Law, Contract Law, Criminal Law.Year 2: European Union Law, Law of Tort, Equity & the Law of Trusts, Legal Research Skills+ 2 optional modules. Year 3: Civil Litigation, Land Law, Major Project + 3 optional modules. Associated careers: if you want to proceed to the vocational stage of training as a barrister or sollicitor (Bar Professsional Training Course or Legal Practice Course), this LLB is your first step.

Accounting and Finance

Finance and Accounting

There are 2 options: 3-year and 4-year extended degree. Year 1: Business Environment, Business Skills, Business Planning, Introduction to Financial Accounting. Year 2: Legal Aspects of Business, Managing Business Performance, Financial Reporting for Business, Taxation for Business.Year 3: Financial Management in Organization, Business Strategy, Financial Auditing. Associated Jobs: Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker, Actuary, Economist, Tax Adviser, Forensic Accountant, Accounting Technician, Company Secretary, Finance Officer.

Accounting and Finance

Year 1: Study and Research Skills, Contemporary Themes, Professional Skills, Introduction to Accounting. Year 2: Accountants in Organizations, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Business and Corporate Law. Year 3: Computer Applications in Accounting, Financial Reporting, Taxation, Auditing in Context. Year 4: Performance Management and Control, Financial Management, Accounting and Finance. Associated Jobs: Chartered Accountant, Chartered Certified Accountant, Chartered Management Accountant, Chartered Public Finance Accountant, Investment Banker, Retail Banker. ENTRY REQUIREMENT: 5 GCSEs at Grade C, Short Level 3 qualification, No qualifications (With work experience)

International Banking and Finance (Top-Up)

Example modules: Year I: Credit and Market Risk, International Finance and Financial Management; Year II: Interest Rate, Liquidity and Operational Risk, Academic and Career Development, Contemporary Issues in Business, Study Support, Strategic Management and Corporate Responsibility. Job Prospectus: upon graduation, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to join the banking and finance industry in areas such as financial services, financial advisory work, international banking, building societies, insurance companies, credit unions and other financial intermediaries.

BSc (Hons) Finance and Accounting

Whether you want to move into auditing, financial reporting, management accounting or financial services, this could be the course for you. Module Guide. Year 1: Business Environment, Business Skills, Business Planning, Introduction to Financial Accounting. Year 2: Legal Aspects of Business, Managing Business Performance, Financial Reporting for Business, taxation for Business. Year 3: Financial Management in Organisation, Business Strategy, Financial Auditing, Major Project. Associated careers: this degree is specifically tailored for those already considering moving on to professional accounting qualifications and a career in accounting and finance.

BSc Hons Computing Systems

The overall aim of the course is to provide a broadly based education in computing systems that will produce graduates equipped to apply best practice in software engineering to the development of a wide range of information systems in organisations. Example modules. Year 1: Mathematics for Computing, Software Development, Study Skills and Professional Issues, Computer Hardware, Software Development II, Systems in Organisations. Year 2: Human-Computer Interaction, Networks, Object-Oriented Programming, Communications, Database Systems, Dynamic Web Authoring. Year 3: Organisational Process Focus (10 credits), Project Management (10 credits), Mobile Technology, Web Applications Development, Embedded Systems Design, Computing System Project (40 credits).

BSc Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Upon graduation you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to join the banking and finance industry in areas such as financial services, financial advisory work, international banking, building societies, insurance companies, credit unions and other financial intermediaries. Example modules: Academic Language Skills (0 credits) Risk I: Credit and Market Risk (20 credits), International Finance and Financial Management (20 credits), Risk II: Interest Rate, Liquidity and Operational Risk (20 credits), Academic and Career Development (20 credits), Contemporary Issues in Business (20 credits), Study Support (0 credits), Strategic management and Corporate Responsibility (20 credits).

Travel and Tourism

Business and Tourism

There are 2 options: 3-year and 4-year extended degree. Year 1: Hospitality, Tourism and Events Environment; Business Skills Business Finance, Managing Quality for Hospitality, Tourism and Events. Year 2: Tourism Management, Customer Service for Tourism and Hospitality, Managing Human Resources, Principles and Practice of Marketing.Year 3: Business Strategy, Major Project, Tourism Live Project, Global Hospitality and Tourism Issues, Sustainable. Associated Jobs: Tour Manager, Travel Agency Manager, Tourist Information Centre Manager, Tourism Officer, Event Manager, Hotel Manager, Customer Service Manager, Marketing Executive, Holiday Representative. • Level 2 Qualification with 3 year work experience. ENTRY REQUIREMENT: Level 3, Level 4 (Will be able to get module exceptions on the 1st year of studies)

Business and Tourism

There are 2 options. Year 1: Hospitality, Tourism and Events Environment; Business Skills, Business Finance, Managing Quality for Hospitality, Tourism and Events. Year 2: Tourism Management, Customer Service for Tourism and Hospitality, Managing Human Resources, Principles and Practice of Marketing. Year 3: Business Strategy, Major Project, Tourism Live Project, Global Hospitality and Tourism Issues, Sustainability. Associated Jobs: Tour Manager, Travel Agency Manager, Tourist Information Centre Manager, Tourism Officer, Event Manager, Hotel Manager, Customer Service Manager, Marketing Executive, Holiday Representative. ENTRY REQUIREMENT: Level 2 Qualification with 3 year work experience, Level 3, Level 4 (Will be able to get module exceptions on the 1st year of studies.

BSc (Hons) Business and Hospitality Management

This degree offers the chance to combine academic study of the business and hospitality sector plus opportunities to gain employment within the sector. Module Guide. Year 1: Hospitality Environment, Business Finance, Business Skills, Managing Quality in Hospitality, Tourism and Events. Year 2: Principles and Practices of Marketing, Managing Human Resources, Hospitality management, Customer Service, Management for Tourism and Hospitality. Year 3: Global Hospitality and Tourism Issues, Hospitality and Venue Management, Business Strategy, Leadership and Change Management, Major Project. Associated careers: hospitality sector.

BSc (Hons) Business and Tourism

This degree has been developed to give students the key business skills needed for a successful career in this sector. Module Guide. Year 1: Hospitality, Tourism and Events Environment, Business Skills, Business Finance, Managing Quality for Hospitality, Tourism and Events. Year 2: Tourism management, Customer Service for Tourism and Hospitality, Managing Human Resources, Principles and Practice of marketing. Year 3: Business Strategy, Major Project, Tourism Live Project, Global Hospitality and Tourism Issues, Sustainable and Ethical Tourism.

Computing and IT

Business Management

Example modules: Strategic Systems Management, Object-Oriented Modelling & Design, Project Management & Professional Development, Case Project, Object Oriented and Web Programming, Social Issues in Computing Job Prospectus: career in a wide range of business or computing-focused roles, for example, in systems and application development,computer programming or project management

Computing Systems

Example modules. Year 1: Mathematics for Computing, Software Development I, Study Skills and Professional Issues, Computer Hardware, Software Development II, Systems in Organisations. Year 2: Human-Computer Interaction, Networks, Object-Oriented Programming, Communications, Database Systems, Dynamic Web Authoring.Year 3: Organisational Process Focus, Project Management, Mobile Technology, Web Applications Development, Embedded Systems Design, Computing Systems Project. Job Prospectus: Computer programmers, data scientists, artificial intelligence researchers, systems analysts, software engineers, technical consultants and web developers.

Computing & IT

Module Guide. Year 1: Professional Development, Computer Technology, Website Design, Database Design, Software Engineering, Information Systems in Organisations. Year 2: Data Communications: Systems Analysis & Design, Programming, Quality Systems in IT, Database Implementation, Dynamic Website Development. Year 3: Management in IT: Current Trends in Networking, Computer Systems Security, e-Commerce Systems, Computing Project. Associated Jobs: Computer Systems Analyst, Computer Hardware Engineer, Computer Programmer, Computer Support Specialists, IT Manager.

BSc Computing Technologies

The BSc Computing Technologies programme provides an excellent foundation for individuals looking to pursue a career in a number of computing related areas including software development, cyber security, web design, mobile app design and data analytics. Example Modules. Year 0: English Academic Skills 1, Foundations of Computer Systems, English Academic Skills 2, Foundations in Programming, Extended Project. Year 1: Web Development, Maths and Algorithms, Object Orientated Programming, Systems Analysis and Design, Data Modelling and SQL Language, Data Communication and Network Routing. Year 2: Mobile App Design and Development, User Experience Design, Network Design and Troubleshooting, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics. Year 3: Dissertation (Major Computing Project) (40 credits), Cyber Security, Project Management and Professional Issues, Data Science, Designing and Developing Products for the Internet of Everything (IoE)

BSc (Hons) Applied Computing (Top-Up)

After completing the Top-Up programme, you will also be well placed to pursue a career in a wide range of business or computing – focused roles, for example, in systems and application development, computer programming or project management. Example modules: Academic Language Skills (20 credits), Strategic Systems Management (20 credits), Object-Oriented Modelling & Design (20 credits), Project Management & Professional Development (20 credits), Case Project (20 credits), Object Oriented and Web Programming (20 credits), Social Issues in Computing (20 credits).


Pre-Master's Graduate Certificate

If you do not currently meet the entry requirements for direct entry to master’s level study, the Graduate Certificate will provide you with a solid foundation and the skills required for entry on to one of our master’s programmes. Example modules. Semester 1: Academic Writing (10 credits), Postgraduate Study Skills (10 credits), Research Methods for Postgraduate Study (20 credits), International Business Environment (20 credits).


MSc Marketing

The MSc Marketing course is an academically challenging and strategically relevant programme in advanced marketing study, with a particular emphasis on entrepreneurship. The programme is distinctive in exploring leading edge thinking from scholarly sources, alongside a syllabus rich in the practical application of marketing.Example modules. Semester 1: Foundations in Management (15 credits), Consumer Behaviour (15 credits), Strategy and Innovation (15 credits), Marketing Management (15 credits). Semester 2: Global Marketing (15 credits), Digitizing Marketing (15 credits), Research Methods (15 credits), Entrepreneurial Marketing (15 credits). Semester 3: Dissertation (60 credits).
